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最終更新:2004-08-30 05:02:11

ChatZilla 0.9.64b [Mozilla rv:1.7/20040707]

Display information about this version of ChatZilla.
alias [<alias-name> <command-list>]
Defines <alias-name> as an alias for the semicolon (';') delimited list of commands specified by <command-list>. If <command-list> is a minus ('-') character, the alias will be removed. If <alias-name> is not provided, all aliases will be listed.
attach <irc-url>
Attaches to the IRC URL specified by <irc-url>. If you are already attached, the view for <irc-url> is made current. If that view has been deleted, it is recreated. You may omit the irc:// portion of the <irc-url>. Examples are; /attach moznet, /attach moznet/chatzilla, and /attach,isnick.
away [<reason>]
If <reason> is specified, sets you away with that message. Used without <reason>, you are marked back as no longer being away.
Cancels a /attach or /server command. Use /cancel when ChatZilla is repeatedly trying to attach to a network that is not responding, to tell ChatZilla to give up before the normal number of retries.
channel-motif [<motif> [<channel>]]
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for this specific channel. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel will be assumed. See the the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
channel-pref [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<channel>]]]]
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the channel <channel>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-name> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel is assumed.
charset [<new-charset>]
Sets the character encoding mode for the current view to <new-charset>, or displays the current character encoding mode if <new-charset> is not provided.
clear-view [<view>]
Clear the current view, discarding *all* content.
Make the “*client*” view current. If the “*client*” view has been deleted, it will be recreated.
delete-view [<view>]
Clear the current view, discarding *all* content, and drop its icon from the tab strip.
commands [<pattern>]
Lists all command names matching <pattern>, or all command names if pattern is not specified.
This command is an alias for |motif|.
ctcp <target> <code> [<params>]
Sends the CTCP code <code> to the target (user or channel) <target>. If <params> are specified they are sent along as well.
dcc-accept [<nickname> [<type> [<file>]]]
Accepts an incoming DCC Chat or Send offer. If a |nickname| is not specified, the last offer that arrived will be accepted (for security reasons, this will not work in the first 10 seconds after an offer is received).
dcc-chat [<nickname>]
Sends a DCC Chat offer to |nickname| on the current server. On a query view, |nickname| may be omitted to send the offer to the query view's user.
dcc-close [<nickname> [<type> [<file>]]]
Closes an existing DCC connection. |nickname| may be omitted if run from a DCC view, in which case the DCC connection for that view will be closed. |type| and |file| may be needed to identify the connection.
dcc-decline [<nickname>]
Declines an incoming DCC Chat or Send offer. If a |nickname| is not specified, the last offer that arrived will be declined.
dcc-list [<type>]
Lists the currently known about DCC offers and connections. This may be limited to just "chat" or "send" using the |type| parameter.
dcc-send [<nickname> [<file>]]
Offers a file to |nickname|. On a query view, |nickname| may be omitted to send the offer to the query view's user. A file may be specified directly by passing |file| or, if omitted, selected from a browse dialog.
default-charset [<new-charset>]
Sets the global default character encoding mode to <new-charset>, or displays the current global default character encoding mode if <new-charset> is not provided.
desc <description>
Changes the 'ircname' line returned when someone performs a /whois on you. You must specify this *before* connecting to the network.
describe <target> <action>
Performs an 'action' at the |target|, either a channel or a user.
disable-plugin <plugin>
This command calls the plugin's disablePlugin function, if it exists. There are no guarantees that the plugin will properly disable itself.
disconnect [<reason>]
Disconnects from the server represented by the active view when the command is executed providing the reason <reason> or the default reason if <reason> is not specified.
echo <message>
Displays <message> in the current view, but does not send it to the server.
enable-plugin <plugin>
Meant to be used to re-enable a plugin after calling |disable-plugin|, this command calls the plugin's enablePlugin function. There are no guarantees that the plugin will properly enable itself.
eval <expression>
Evaluates <expression> as JavaScript? code. Not for the faint of heart.
Exit Mozilla.
exit [<reason>]
Disconnects from all active servers and networks, providing the reason <reason>, or the default reason if <reason> is not specified. Exits ChatZilla after disconnecting.
Force keyboard focus to the input box.
font-family [<font>]
Sets or views the font family being used on the current view. Ommit <font> to see the current font family. The value |default| will use your global font family, |serif|, |sans-serif| and |monospace| will use your global font settings, other values will set a font directly.
font-size [<font-size>]
Sets or views the font size being used on the current view. Ommit <font-size> to see the current font size. The size value is specified in points (pt). The value |default| will use your global font size, and the values |bigger| and |smaller| increase or reduce the size by a fixed amount each time.
version <nickname>
Asks <nickname> what irc client they're running. Their IRC client may or may not show them that you've asked for this information. ChatZilla currently does not.
hop <nickname> [<...>]
Gives half-operator status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
op <nickname> [<...>]
Gives operator status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
voice <nickname> [<...>]
Gives voice status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator (or half-operator) status.
Toggles visiblility of the header bar.
help [<pattern>]
Displays help on all commands matching <pattern>, if <pattern> is not given, displays help on all commands.
hide-view [<view>]
Drop the current view's icon from the tab strip, but save its contents. The icon will reappear the next time there is activity on the view.
ignore [<mask>]
Add someone to your ignore list for the current network. A nickname will suffice for <mask>, but you can also use a hostmask. With no parameters, it shows a list of all currently ignored users.
invite <nickname> [<channel-name>]
Invites <nickname> to <channel-name> or current channel if not supplied. Requires operator status if +i is set.
j <channel-name> [<key>]
This command is an alias for /join.
join <channel-name> [<key>]
Joins the global (name starts with #), local (name starts with &), or modeless (name starts with a +) channel named <channel-name>. If no prefix is given, # is assumed. Provides the key <key> if specified.
join-charset [<channel-name> <charset> [<key>]]
Joins the global (name starts with #), local (name starts with &), or modeless (name starts with a +) channel named <channel-name>. Messages will be encoded and decoded according to the character encoding specified by <charset>. The <charset> parameter is independent of the default character encoding, which can be selected with the /charset command. If no prefix is given, # is assumed. Provides the key <key> if specified.
kick <nickname> [<reason>]
Kicks <nickname> off the current channel. Requires operator status.
kick-ban <nickname> [<reason>]
Bans *!username@hostmask from the current channel, then kicks them off. Requires operator status.
leave [<channel-name> [<reason>]]
Leaves the current channel, use /delete or /hide to force the view to go away. Many servers do not support the optional <reason> parameter. If you are dispatching this command from script, you may also specify the <no-delete> parameter. If this is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, the the tab will not be deleted.
This command is an alias for |leave|.
list [<channel-name>]
Lists channel name, user count, and topic information for the network/server you are attached to. If you omit the optional channel argument, all channels will be listed. On large networks, the server may disconnect you for asking for a complete list.
list-plugins [<plugin>]
If <plugin> is not provided, this command lists information on all loaded plugins. If <plugin> is provided, only its information will be displayed. If this command is dispatched from the console, you may specify <plugin> by either the plugin id, or index.
load <url>
Executes the contents of the url specified by <url>. See also: The |initialScripts| pref.
log [<state>]
Turns logging on or off for the current channel. If <state> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, logging will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn logging off. Ommit <state> to see the current logging state. The state will be saved in prefs, so that if logging is on when you close chatzilla, it will resume logging the next time you join the channel.
me <action>
Performs an 'action' on the current channel.
motif [<motif>]
Sets the default CSS file used for the message tabs. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". See the the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |network-motif|, |channel-motif|, |user-motif|.
msg <nickname> <message>
Sends a private message <msg> to <nickname>.
name <username>
Changes the username displayed before your hostmask if the server you're connecting to allows it. Some servers will only trust the username reply from the ident service. You must specify this *before* connecting to the network.
names [<channel-name>]
Lists the users in a channel.
network <network-name>
Sets the current network to <network-name>
network-motif [<motif> [<network>]]
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the network <network>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the global motif. If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed. See the the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
network-pref [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<network>]]]]
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the network <network>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-name> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed.
Lists all available networks as clickable links.
nick <nickname>
Changes your current nickname.
notify [<nickname> [<...>]]
With no parameters, /notify shows you the online/offline status of all the users on your notify list. If one or more <nickname> parameters are supplied, the nickname(s) will be added to your notify list if they are not yet on it, or removed from it if they are.
query <nickname> [<message>]
Opens a one-on-one chat with <nickname>. If <message> is supplied, it is sent as the initial private message to <nickname>.
open-at-startup [<toggle>]
Used to add the current view to the list of views that will be automatically opened at startup. If <toggle> is not provided, the status of the current view will be displayed. <toggle> can be one of: yes, on, true, 1, no, off, false, 0, or toggle, to toggle the current state.
ping <target>
Attempts to measure the time it takes to send a message to the user nickname, and receive a response. Specifiying a channel instead is the same a pinging every person on the channel. Their IRC client may or may not show them that you've asked for this information. ChatZilla currently does not.
pref [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref>]]]
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Quit Mozilla.
quit [<reason>]
Quit ChatZilla.
quote <irc-command>
Sends a raw command to the IRC server, not a good idea if you don't know what you're doing. see IRC RFC1459 <> for complete details.
dehop <nickname> [<...>]
Removes half-operator status from <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
deop <nickname> [<...>]
Removes operator status from <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
devoice <nickname> [<...>]
Removes voice status from <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator (or half-operator) status.
rlist <regexp>
Lists channel name, user count, and topic information for the network/server you are attached to, filtered by the regular expression.
say <message>
Sends a message to the current view.
server <hostname> [<port> [<password>]]
Connects to server <hostname> on <port>, or 6667 if <port> is not specified. Provides the password <password> if specified. If you are already connected, the view for <hostname> is made current. If that view has been deleted, it is recreated.
squery <service> [<commands>]
Sends the commands <commands> to the service <service>.
stalk <text>
Add text to list of words for which you would like to see alerts. Whenever a person with a nickname matching <text> speaks, or someone says a phrase containing <text>, your ChatZilla window will become active (on some operating systems) and its taskbar icon will flash (on some operating systems.)
Toggles the visibility of the status bar.
Lists the capabilities of the current server, as reported by the 005 numeric.
This command is an alias for |eval syncOutputFrame?(this)|.
Toggles the visibility of the channel tab strip.
Displays a sample text. Used to preview styles.
timestamp-format [<format>]
Sets the timestamp format used in the current view. If <format> is provided, the format is updated and saved. Ommit <format> to see the current format for timestamps.
timestamps [<toggle>]
Sets the visibility of timestamps in the current view. If <toggle> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, timestamps will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn timestamps off, and |toggle| will toggle the state. Ommit <toggle> to see the current state.
toggle-ui <thing>
Toggles the visibility of various pieces of the user interface. <thing> must be one of: tabstrip, userlist, header, status.
topic [<new-topic>]
If <new-topic> is specified and you are a chanop, or the channel is not in 'private topic' mode (+t), the topic will be changed to <new-topic>. If <new-topic> is *not* specified, the current topic will be displayed.
unignore <mask>
Removes someone from your ignore list for the current network. A nickname will suffice for <mask>, but you can also use a hostmask.
unstalk <text>
Remove word from list of terms for which you would like to see alerts.
Toggles the visibility of the user list.
user-motif [<motif> [<user>]]
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the user <user>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed. See the the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
user-pref [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<user>]]]]
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the user <user>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-name> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed.
usermode [<new-mode>]
Changes or displays the current user mode.
who <pattern>
List users who have name, host, or description information matching <pattern>.
whois <nickname> [<...>]
Displays information about the user <nickname>, including 'real name', server connected to, idle time, and signon time. Note that some servers will lie about the idle time.
whowas <nick-pattern>
List brief information for users with a nickname matching <nick-pattern> who have recently logged on to the IRC network.

ChatZilla 0.9.59p

Display information about this version of ChatZilla.
alias [<alias-name> <command-list>]
Defines <alias-name> as an alias for the semicolon (';') delimited list of commands specified by <command-list>. If <command-list> is a minus ('-') character, the alias will be removed. If <alias-name> is not provided, all aliases will be listed.
attach <irc-url>
Attaches to the IRC URL specified by <irc-url>. If you are already attached, the view for <irc-url> is made current. If that view has been deleted, it is recreated. You may omit the irc:// portion of the <irc-url>. Examples are; /attach moznet, /attach moznet/chatzilla, and /attach,isnick.
away [<reason>]
If <reason> is specified, sets you away with that message. Used without <reason>, you are marked back as no longer being away.
Cancels a /attach or /server command. Use /cancel when ChatZilla is repeatedly trying to attach to a network that is not responding, to tell ChatZilla to give up before the normal number of retries.
channel-charset [<new-charset> [<channel>]]
Sets the character encoding mode to <new-charset>, or displays the current character encoding mode if <new-charset> is not provided. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel will be assumed.
channel-motif [<motif> [<channel>]]
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for this specific channel. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel will be assumed. See the the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
channel-pref [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<channel>]]]]
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the channel <channel>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-name> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel is assumed.
charset [<new-charset>]
Sets the character encoding mode to <new-charset>, or displays the current character encoding mode if <new-charset> is not provided.
clear-view [<view>]
Clear the current view, discarding *all* content.
Make the “*client*” view current. If the “*client*” view has been deleted, it will be recreated.
delete-view [<view>]
Clear the current view, discarding *all* content, and drop its icon from the tab strip.
quit [<reason>]
Quit ChatZilla.
exit [<reason>]
Disconnects from all active servers and networks, providing the reason <reason>, or the default reason if <reason> is not specified. Exits ChatZilla after disconnecting.
commands [<pattern>]
Lists all command names matching <pattern>, or all command names if pattern is not specified.
This command is an alias for |motif|.
ctcp <target> <code> [<params>]
Sends the CTCP code <code> to the target (user or channel) <target>. If <params> are specified they are sent along as well.
desc <description>
Changes the 'ircname' line returned when someone performs a /whois on you. You must specify this *before* connecting to the network.
disable-plugin <plugin>
This command calls the plugin's disablePlugin function, if it exists. There are no guarantees that the plugin will properly disable itself.
disconnect [<reason>]
Disconnects from the server represented by the active view when the command is executed providing the reason <reason> or the default reason if <reason> is not specified.
echo <message>
Displays <message> in the current view, but does not send it to the server.
enable-plugin <plugin>
Meant to be used to re-enable a plugin after calling |disable-plugin|, this command calls the plugin's enablePlugin function. There are no guarantees that the plugin will properly enable itself.
eval <expression>
Evaluates <expression> as JavaScript? code. Not for the faint of heart.
This command is an alias for |quit-mozilla|.
Force keyboard focus to the input box.
font-family [<font>]
Sets or views the font family being used on the current view. Ommit <font> to see the current font family. The value |default| will use your global font family, |serif|, |sans-serif| and |monospace| will use your global font settings, other values will set a font directly.
font-size [<font-size>]
Sets or views the font size being used on the current view. Ommit <font-size> to see the current font size. The size value is specified in points (pt). The value |default| will use your global font size, and the values |bigger| and |smaller| increase or reduce the size by a fixed amount each time.
version <nickname>
Asks <nickname> what irc client they're running. Their IRC client may or may not show them that you've asked for this information. ChatZilla currently does not.
hop <nickname> [<...>]
Gives half-operator status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
op <nickname> [<...>]
Gives operator status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
voice <nickname> [<...>]
Gives voice status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator (or half-operator) status.
Toggles visiblility of the header bar.
help [<pattern>]
Displays help on all commands matching <pattern>, if <pattern> is not given, displays help on all commands.
hide-view [<view>]
Drop the current view's icon from the tab strip, but save its contents. The icon will reappear the next time there is activity on the view.
ignore [<mask>]
Add someone to your ignore list for the current network. A nickname will suffice for <mask>, but you can also use a hostmask. With no parameters, it shows a list of all currently ignored users.
invite <nickname> [<channel-name>]
Invites <nickname> to <channel-name> or current channel if not supplied. Requires operator status if +i is set.
j <channel-name> [<key>]
This command is an alias for /join.
join <channel-name> [<key>]
Joins the global (name starts with #), local (name starts with &), or modeless (name starts with a +) channel named <channel-name>. If no prefix is given, # is assumed. Provides the key <key> if specified.
join-charset [<channel-name> <charset> [<key>]]
Joins the global (name starts with #), local (name starts with &), or modeless (name starts with a +) channel named <channel-name>. Messages will be encoded and decoded according for the character set specified by <charset>. The <charset> parameter is independent of the default character set, which can be selected with the /charset command. If no prefix is given, # is assumed. Provides the key <key> if specified.
kick <nickname> [<reason>]
Kicks <nickname> off the current channel. Requires operator status.
kick-ban <nickname> [<reason>]
Bans *!username@hostmask from the current channel, then kicks them off. Requires operator status.
This command is an alias for |leave|.
leave [<channel-name> [<reason>]]
Leaves the current channel, use /delete or /hide to force the view to go away. Many servers do not support the optional <reason> parameter. If you are dispatching this command from script, you may also specify the <no-delete> parameter. If this is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, the the tab will not be deleted.
list [<channel-name>]
Lists channel name, user count, and topic information for the network/server you are attached to. If you omit the optional channel argument, all channels will be listed. On large networks, the server may disconnect you for asking for a complete list.
list-plugins [<plugin>]
If <plugin> is not provided, this command lists information on all loaded plugins. If <plugin> is provided, only its information will be displayed. If this command is dispatched from the console, you may specify <plugin> by either the plugin id, or index.
load <url>
Executes the contents of the url specified by <url>. See also: The |initialScripts| pref.
log [<state>]
Turns logging on or off for the current channel. If <state> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, logging will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn logging off. Ommit <state> to see the current logging state. The state will be saved in prefs, so that if logging is on when you close chatzilla, it will resume logging the next time you join the channel.
me <action>
Performs an 'action' on the current channel.
motif [<motif>]
Sets the default CSS file used for the message tabs. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". See the the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |network-motif|, |channel-motif|, |user-motif|.
msg <nickname> <message>
Sends a private message <msg> to <nickname>.
name <username>
Changes the username displayed before your hostmask if the server you're connecting to allows it. Some servers will only trust the username reply from the ident service. You must specify this *before* connecting to the network.
names [<channel-name>]
Lists the users in a channel.
network <network-name>
Sets the current network to <network-name>
network-charset [<new-charset> [<network>]]
Sets the character encoding mode to <new-charset>, or displays the current character encoding mode if <new-charset> is not provided. If <networks> is not provided, the current network will be assumed.
network-motif [<motif> [<network>]]
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the network <network>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the global motif. If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed. See the the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
network-pref [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<network>]]]]
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the network <network>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-name> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed.
Lists all available networks as clickable links.
nick <nickname>
Changes your current nickname.
notify [<nickname> [<...>]]
With no parameters, /notify shows you the online/offline status of all the users on your notify list. If one or more <nickname> parameters are supplied, the nickname(s) will be added to your notify list if they are not yet on it, or removed from it if they are.
query <nickname> [<message>]
Opens a one-on-one chat with <nickname>. If <message> is supplied, it is sent as the initial private message to <nickname>.
open-at-startup [<toggle>]
Used to add the current view to the list of views that will be automatically opened at startup. If <toggle> is not provided, the status of the current view will be displayed. <toggle> can be one of: yes, on, true, 1, no, off, false, 0, or toggle, to toggle the current state.
ping <target>
Attempts to measure the time it takes to send a message to the user nickname, and receive a response. Specifiying a channel instead is the same a pinging every person on the channel. Their IRC client may or may not show them that you've asked for this information. ChatZilla currently does not.
pref [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref>]]]
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Quit Mozilla.
quote <irc-command>
Sends a raw command to the IRC server, not a good idea if you don't know what you're doing. see IRC RFC1459 <> for complete details.
dehop <nickname> [<...>]
Removes half-operator status from <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
deop <nickname> [<...>]
Removes operator status from <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
devoice <nickname> [<...>]
Removes voice status from <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator (or half-operator) status.
rlist <regexp>
Lists channel name, user count, and topic information for the network/server you are attached to, filtered by the regular expression.
server <hostname> [<port> [<password>]]
Connects to server <hostname> on <port>, or 6667 if <port> is not specified. Provides the password <password> if specified. If you are already connected, the view for <hostname> is made current. If that view has been deleted, it is recreated.
squery <service> [<commands>]
Sends the commands <commands> to the service <service>.
stalk <text>
Add text to list of words for which you would like to see alerts. Whenever a person with a nickname matching <text> speaks, or someone says a phrase containing <text>, your ChatZilla window will become active (on some operating systems) and its taskbar icon will flash (on some operating systems.)
Toggles the visibility of the status bar.
Lists the capabilities of the current server, as reported by the 005 numeric.
This command is an alias for |eval syncOutputFrame?(this)|.
Toggles the visibility of the channel tab strip.
Displays a sample text. Used to preview styles.
timestamp-format [<format>]
Sets the timestamp format used in the current view. If <format> is provided, the format is updated and saved. Ommit <format> to see the current format for timestamps.
timestamps [<toggle>]
Sets the visibility of timestamps in the current view. If <toggle> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, timestamps will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn timestamps off, and |toggle| will toggle the state. Ommit <toggle> to see the current state.
toggle-ui <thing>
Toggles the visibility of various pieces of the user interface. <thing> must be one of: tabstrip, userlist, header, status.
topic [<new-topic>]
If <new-topic> is specified and you are a chanop, or the channel is not in 'private topic' mode (+t), the topic will be changed to <new-topic>. If <new-topic> is *not* specified, the current topic will be displayed.
unignore <mask>
Removes someone from your ignore list for the current network. A nickname will suffice for <mask>, but you can also use a hostmask.
unstalk <text>
Remove word from list of terms for which you would like to see alerts.
Toggles the visibility of the user list.
user-charset [<new-charset> [<user>]]
Sets the character encoding mode to <new-charset>, or displays the current character encoding mode if <new-charset> is not provided. If <user> is not provided, the current user will be assumed.
user-motif [<motif> [<user>]]
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the user <user>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed. See the the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
user-pref [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<user>]]]]
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the user <user>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-name> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed.
usermode [<new-mode>]
Changes or displays the current user mode.
who <pattern>
List users who have name, host, or description information matching <pattern>.
whois <nickname> [<...>]
Displays information about the user <nickname>, including 'real name', server connected to, idle time, and signon time. Note that some servers will lie about the idle time.
whowas <nick-pattern>
List brief information for users with a nickname matching <nick-pattern> who have recently logged on to the IRC network.

